

E-journal bundles
Individual e-journals


E-journal bundles

ACS - Core Journals (American Chemical Society)
Access available from computers in the university computer network or Remote access to UL information resources

APS Journals Online (American Physical Society); service with periodicals in the field of physics
Access available from computers in the university computer network

DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals); free access

Portal Energetika.NET : časnik o energetiki
Energetika.NET is the leading media in the field of power engineering in Slovenia and offers access to relevant information and content in the field of power engineering. Access is available from computers in the FE computer network.

EIFL Direct / EBSCO Host
Access available from computers in the university computer network

Emerald Fulltext
Full text of scientific and expert articles from periodicals of the MCB Press
Access available from computers in the university computer network or Remote access to UL information resources

IEEE / IET Electronic Library (IEL)
The digital collection IEEE/IET Electronic Library (IEL), which runs on the IEEE Xplore Digital Library platform, includes the fields of electrical engineering, electronic components and technology, production technologies and systems, electric devices, computer science and informatics. It is an essential, high-value, full-text collection of IEEE and IET journals, proceedings and standards. Publications dating from 1988 on are available, while some selected documents are even older.
The collection is accessible at locations in the University of Ljubljana, the Central Technological Library (CTK), and the National and University Library (NUK). For students and staff of the University of Ljubljana who are members of UL libraries, access is available from computers in the university computer network and through the service Remote Access to Information Sources of the UL.

IOPscience (Institute of Physics)
Access available from computers in the university computer network.
Online guide to the collection

IOS Press
Interdisciplinary bundle (81 periodicals) from the field of natural sciences, computer medicine and IT. Periodicals are also available through remote access in the Catalogue of E-Journals of the University of Ljubljana on the DiKUL portal.

JSTOR (Journal Storage)
Is an archive intended for searching and reading the full text from over 1100 scientific journals from different fields; e.g. anthropology, archaeology, economy and entrepreneurship, philosophy, music, education, linguistics and literature, mathematics, natural sciences, politics, law, sociology, art and the history of arts, history etc.
Access available from computers in the university computer network or Remote access to UL information resources

Nature Publishing Group (NPG) and the list of included publications - Publications A-Z Index

OCLC FirstSearch - Electronic Collections Online
Access available from computers in the university computer network or Remote access to UL information resources

ProQuest (ProQuest Online Information Service)ProQuest (ProQuest Online Information Service) allows individual or concurrent searches in ProQuest Central in ProQuest Dissertations and Theses - A&I databases.
Access available from computers in the university computer network or Remote access to UL information resources

SAGE Premier
(full text of articles of approx. 390 publications in the fields of social sciences, humanities, technology and medicine of SAGE publishing)
Access available from computers in the university computer network or Remote access to UL information resources

ScienceDirect fromElsevier publishing
Access available from computers in the university computer network or Remote access to UL information resources

SpringerLINK (joint bundle of journals from Springer and Kluwer publishing)
Access available from computers in the university computer network or Remote access to UL information resources

Wiley InterScience
Access available from computers in the university computer network or Remote access to UL information resources

Individual e-journals