
Power System Dynamic Phenomena

Higher education teachers: Mihalič Rafael

Subject description


  • Enrolment to the class

Content (Syllabus outline):

Basic facts and ground reasons behind electric power system (EPS) dynamic phenomena occurrence, categorization of different dynamic phenomena, basic principles for analysis of each phenomenon type, EPS elements modelling principles for different time-scale dynamic phenomena, small-signal stability EPS analysis (linear state-space modelling, eigenvalues, system controllability and observability, etc.), methods for discrete-time systems analysis, approaches to non-linear systems dynamic phenomena analysis, analysis of typical and most common types of EPS dynamic phenomena (oscillations, transient stability, frequency stability, travelling waves, asynchronous operation of a synchronous machine, transient phenomena within a synchronous machine, short-circuit events in EPS, impact torque on synchronous generators as a consequence of different EPS events, capacitive-current switching, sub-synchronous resonance), measures for the stabilization of EPS operation, basic principles of dynamic phenomena digital simulation techniques, equivalent circuits of different EPS elements, numerical instability issues and measures for its avoidance, setting-up EPS model initial conditions, setting-up initial conditions for a composite model synchronous generator – governor – exciter, basic characteristics of dynamic simulation software tools, momentary mode dynamic simulations, stability mode dynamic simulations, real-time dynamic simulations.

Objectives and competences:

EPS dynamic phenomena overview and categorization with regards to their characteristics, guidance and approaches to analysis and solving each EPS dynamic phenomena, application of mathematical differential equation solving knowledge for analysis of EPS dynamic phenomena, understanding the background of EPS dynamic simulation software operation.

Intended learning outcomes:

Student becomes familiar with reasons behind different EPS dynamic phenomena as well as corresponding influential variables and potential consequences of each of them. Most common types of EPS dynamic phenomena are introduced and explained. Also, appropriate analysing approaches for each are described. With regards to this, students obtains knowledge about specifics of EPS elements modelling for observing different dynamic phenomena. Methods and basic principles for dynamic EPS simulations are explained, along with most common issues that might appear in the process.

Learning and teaching methods:

  • lectures,
  • practical laboratory courses.

Study materials

  1. MIHALIČ, Rafael. Stabilnost in dinamični pojavi v elektroenergetskih sistemih : osnovni pojmi s primeri. Ljubljana: Slovensko združenje elektroenergetikov CIGRÉ - CIRED, 2013. 261 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-961-6265-23-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 266825984]
  2. Kundur P., Power System Stability and Control, McGraw Hill, 1994.
  3. Machowski J. Bialek J. W., Bumby J. R., Power System Dynamics and Stability, John Wiley & Sons, 1997