
Power System Protection and Automation

Higher education teachers: Pantoš Miloš

Subject description


  • Enrollment into the program.

Content (Syllabus outline):

Secondary electric power system, protection and control systems, protection charachteristics, protection relays, current and voltage transformers, protection of elements of power system, digital protection, wide-area protection, data networks, signal processing, communication, automation of power systems, regulation of power systems, control functions, standards and protocols, power system control equipment.

Objectives and competences:

Students will obtain an overview of power system protection and control mechanisms. Students will become familiar with the basic principles of power system protection eqipment, control systems and their development, also with the data networks and communication paths, singnal proccessing, standards and protocols in the field of power system protection and control.

Intended learning outcomes:

Students will understand operation of power system protection and control systems. They will be able to integrate gained knowledge in field tasks as a parameterization of protective relays, a preparation of new protection and control concepts etc.

Learning and teaching methods:

Lectures and exercises.

Study materials


  1. Horowitz S.H., Phadke A.G., Power system relaying, J. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1992.
  2. Kundur P., Power System Stability and Control, McGraw-Hill, 1993
  3. Anderson P. M., Fuad A. A., Power System Control and Stability, IEEE Press, New York, 1994.